From Introvert to Leader: My Transformative Journey with We Are with You Charitable Trust

By Prudhvi Pachipulusu

As an introvert, the outside world often felt intimidating and overwhelming. I was just starting my first year of college, navigating new environments and experiences, when I met Ayyappa Anna in the hostel. He introduced me to We Are with You Charitable Trust, inviting those interested to join its mission. Although I was intrigued, I found myself unsure of how I could contribute to an NGO.

One day, during a conversation on the college bus, I mustered the courage to share my concerns with Ayyappa Anna. He listened patiently and explained the various opportunities available to me. His words struck a chord: “The intent to serve others is enough; the rest of the skills will come from experience and guidance.” This simple yet profound insight inspired me to take the leap and join the NGO.

I began my journey as a volunteer, immersing myself in community projects. My dedication quickly led to opportunities for leadership; I successfully led two projects in the Guntur branch and became the first Vice President of We Are with You Charitable Trust. Eventually, I was honored to lead the Vice Presidents from all branches, culminating in my current role on the Chief Executive Committee—an achievement reserved for the best contributors and leaders.

This journey has been nothing short of transformative. From a fearful introvert, I have grown into a confident leader who guides thousands of volunteers. Volunteering has not only changed my life but has also opened doors for me professionally, enabling me to secure job offers from multiple MNCs before even graduating.

I wholeheartedly encourage every student to engage in service activities. Not only does it enrich the lives of those you help, but it also fosters your own growth. When you serve with a genuine intention to uplift others, you discover your potential and make a lasting impact on your community. My journey with We Are with You Charitable Trust has taught me that sometimes, all it takes is a leap of faith to unlock your true capabilities.


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