6 + Years Experience
About Project Swechha

Enhancing Adolescent Health through Project Swechha

Project Swechha addresses the critical need for adolescent health education during the formative years of thirteen to twenty-one. This phase is pivotal, yet many young people face confusion and misinformation about physical and mental changes. Our project aims to fill this gap by providing accurate information and support. We organize workshops and awareness programs on topics such as menstrual hygiene, myths about menstruation, child sexual exploitation, child marriages, gender equality, and navigating adolescent changes.

The Adolescent Health Education Training Program includes a comprehensive five-day workshop series available online and offline. Through Project Swechha, we strive to break the silence and debunk myths surrounding adolescent health, empowering youth with knowledge and confidence.

Our Impact

Impact of Project Swechha on Adolescent Health Awareness

Project Swechha creates a meaningful impact by educating adolescents on critical health topics, dispelling myths, and fostering a supportive environment for understanding and addressing changes during puberty.

Project Swechha
Project Swechha
  • 7850+

    Students Reached

  • 95+

    Offline Sessions

  • 20+

    Online Sessions

  • 100+

    Volunteers Involved


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